Since we visited Chile for the first time, in Gabriel’s case, 23 years ago, we fell completely in love with the Andean country. Its landscapes, its people, its imposing mountains, its wild coastline. It’s difficult to describe with words what Chile is, but in our humble opinion is one the most beautiful places on earth.


The terrain in the Andes is very varied, in the areas that we ride, it is mainly volcanic, with very good inclinations, big mountain terrain but also playful gullies full of windlips to jump and even ancient forests to ride on the snowy days. In those latitudes they barely know what snow cannons are, so you can get an idea of how much snows down there in winter, which by the way is our summer!

No matter how many times we go to the southern hemisphere in the summer, we do not get used to it, it seems magical to us that while in the northern hemisphere it is crazy hot, there are places in the world where it snows and you can ride some of the most impressive mountains of the planet.


The areas we can visit in our tours are Nevados de Chillan in the Region del Ñuble, Corralco and Las Araucarias in the Region de la Araucania and Laguna del Maule in the Region del Maule.

We started last season a partnership with Aerotoscana a Chilean based heliski company that operates in the impressive area of the Paso Vergara in the Maule region. A young but very professional heliski operation with an experienced local crew of pilot and guides that together sum up a whole life of exploration and dedication freeriding the andes.

The Heliski service it’s an extra in your tour and we’ll do our best to choose the best snow and weather days of the whole trip for this unforgettable experience. Drop us a line for more info.


We always decide our riding destinations based on snow conditions and forecasts. You already know that our tours are dynamic and that the most important thing for us is that you enjoy the best possible snow conditions, that is why you choose us, right?