What do we do to help reduce the carbon footprint when we promote traveling in the pursuit of the best snow conditions in the world?

We have always had this conflict on a personal level and even a little more now, because we have been offering guided tours for two years. We feel that we must be even more responsible, that's why, both in our day-to-day and guided tours, we try to have a more responsible consumption.

We want to share it with you simply as information and perhaps motivation and inspiration to change some habits, just as other people have inspired us.

1. Minimize the consumption of single-use plastics.


Yes, we know that many times it is "almost" impossible. But there is no need to throw in the towel, the ideal is to buy in shops that sell in bulk, but if you don't have one nearby, you have to be patient in the supermarket and look for the best packaging of the product you are looking for such as glass, aluminum, paper ... only with this you help reduce your plastic consumption in your daily purchase. Sometimes that product in a glass container is a little more expensive, but we believe that this small economic effort is worth it and we are supporting the use of recyclable containers. The market works like this, if the manufacturers of a certain product see that their sales increase with a certain type of packaging, they will produce it and leave aside the one that sells the least, so we have all the power!!! With our consumption we can help the change!!!

2. Soaps and cosmetics.


We are lovers of traditional soap bars, a product that has been almost lost and luckily returns strongly to the market nowadays. They are very durable, they do not have plastic and their transport is much less polluting since they don't contain water. The shampoos we use are also solid. It is also the most convenience for traveling, you take your bars and forget to carry extra weight in your luggage.

With cosmetics and creams the same. So time ago we discovered the cold pressed organic oils and they are a game changer. Without petroleum derivatives or harmful chemicals to the environment and to you, in addition most of them use glass packaging. Le Pure is a good example with an exciting story behind a lot of dedication and research in this interesting world.

With the dish soap and clothes, we try to go to shops where you can buy them in bulk, we don't always succeed, but at least we try and it saves a lot of single-use plastic.

3. Recycle.


A task that should be mandatory as in many countries, but let's not wait for that, make this task mandatory for you to take maximum care of your home. In Austria we must keep our garbage at home and go to throw it away certain days a week in a recycling center. Plastic, different types of glass, metal, paper, cardboard… The truth is that you become much more responsible for your waste and realize how much we generate, even when doing your best not to.

We separate the organic garbage and throw it in the compost area of ​​our landlords, who are farmers.

4. Vehicles.


We always buy second-hand vehicles. We know that their engines pollute more than the most modern ones, but the production process generates a lot of waste too, so we chose to give a second life to old vehicles and our experience tells us that they are much more durable for the mountain life, so… hurray for vintage cars!!!

And we have to confess a little thing…we love classics!!!

5. Snowboard equipment.


As you know we are lucky to be equipped by one of the best snowboard brands in the world, Burton Snowboards. For many years now they have been working to reduce the consumption of water and chemicals in the production of all their products and they are very much on top of the entire production process so that all companies that supply products and services comply with the strictest controls at fair and ethical working conditions for its employees. It has recently been accredited by a non-profit association called FLA, if you want to know more click here.

6. Clothes.

We have to fight with the daily bombing of cheap clothes advertising from the big fast fashion chains, but we already know what is behind those low prices, so we choose not to buy in these stores and support the brands that do make efforts to manufacture in a more sustainable way and taking care of its employees like Burton. There is no other choice but to have less things but of quality, we must do it for us, for the people who produce these products and for the environment.

7. Furniture and home accessories.


We love decorating and creating unique spaces in our home, so a hobby we have is making our own furniture and decorative accessories. We always try to recycle materials or buy Km 0 wood. In fact we are in the process of giving birth to LIWA Design, our range of simple furniture and home accessories, as an inspiration and also with the option of buying some of our products :)

8. Buy second hand.


Without a doubt, it is a beautiful way of giving a second life to things, something that for you is junk, for another person can be a treasure. We love to visit markets or second hand stores, especially the blondie ;)

It is an inexpensive way to have precious and unique accessories and furniture and give your home a personal touch so it doesn’t loo like another Ikea ad ;)

Although we have to confess that we have bought some basic things there, but we try to make it the last option.

9. Reduce animal consumption.


For the sake of your health and the environment, easy right? Luckily we are in a "boom" in which the vegetarian and vegan diet is being greatly promoted, so let's take advantage of this nice trend. An alive diet, rich in fresh and varied products and that does not include animal suffering.

We always try to make it as local as possible and seasonal. We offer vegetarian diet on our guided tours in order to help reduce that animal consumption, to help realize that even with an intense physical activity you can enjoy super rich and very nutritious dishes without animal suffering.

10. We reduce the consumption of processed foods as much as possible.

Basically because they involve a lot of single-use plastic and always carry some unhealthy additive or ingredient. So the best thing is that you buy your raw food and cook it, once we read that real food doesn’t have a list of ingredients, so we always try to buy real food, not eatable products. And another very important point: when you cook your own food, you give more value to all the effort some people has done to produce all these food. You handle it, peel it, cook it, dress it, ….for us it’s a way of showing respect for all these producers that break their asses everyday for you to have these delicious things in your table.

11- Mountain snacks and drinks.


No, we don't need energy processes or miracle drinks, nothing is achieved without effort, don’t allow them to tell you otherwise. If you spend time taking care of your diet, you will win in every way: in your sports life and in your general health. So preparing your healthy snacks or taking basic products with a large amount of water and natural sugars such as fresh fruit and nuts you will get everything you need in the mountains. A good sandwich with whole wheat bread and healthy ingredients is also a great ally in your day .

The drink, luckily in the mountainous areas where we live we have access to delicious water, which will provide you with the hydration you need, for this purpose we always use reusable bottles.

12. Reduce the use of toilet paper.


With the incredible technology of Japanese toilets you reduce the use of toilet paper a lot, in addition, it is much more hygienic, better for the health of your private parts and for the environment, we all win! Doesn’t need to be always such a device, there are plenty of other options: the traditional bidet or the installation of a small shower near the WC in the Brazilian or Finnish style ... there are many options!

We have Japanese WC in our houses in both Chile and Austria and even a portable one :D

13. All waste that crosses our path is ours, until we run out of space in our pockets or backpack.


Having a garbage man spirit is necessary, we cannot afford to see waste in the mountains or on the street and leave it. It costs nothing to help clean our home. Wouldn't you do it in your own house?

This list could be infinite and obviously you can do much more, or you can do less, but the important thing is to do. Perhaps in the place where you live some things are easier and others more complicated, but do not be discouraged, the slightest act is a lot and simply being aware is already a big step.

And as in everything, there are exceptions, of course one day for a certain circumstance you don't do it, nothing happens, the fact is that in your day to day you try, that is the most important thing.

Hopefully we'll share some adventure with you and we can share and learn together about this important and extensive topic. We all have something to contribute and to learn.

Let us continue on the path of becoming aware and trying to make small changes to add up to this change in habits and that this flight we make serves to charge us with energy, knowledge, new experiences and to be even more aware of the luck we have of living on this beautiful planet. It's time to try to return something back to our beautiful home that gives us everything, don't you think?

Laura MartinezComment